Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Trump-Breitbart Coalition and The Rise of the TNP

Today's shake-up in the Trump Campaign, although potentially bad news for my prediction that Trump will drop out by Labor Day, is great news for so many other reasons that I don't even know where to begin.

It seems to me Trump has now accepted he is going to lose. His apparent plan is to eventually launch a nationalist political party, and he will team up with Breitbart News on this endeavor. Breitbart will handle propaganda for this new political party much like Fox News does for the GOP.  Roger Ailes being forced out at Fox makes this whole process easier for Trump, who is friendly with Ailes and has recently brought him into the campaign as an advisor. I wouldn't be surprised if Ailes goes to work for Breitbart after Donald loses in November. Where the hell else is he going to go?  Who else would want Ailes on board besides Breitbart?

The Republican Establishment must be stunned by the news that Breitbart's executive chairman is taking over Trump's campaign, given that one of the things Breitbart News specializes in is going after Establishment GOP types like Jeb Bush.  It is also way into conspiracy theory stuff.  Needless to say, the next few months are going to be epic.

What we will most likely see during the run-up to the General Election is Trump stirring up race hatred and nationalism to such an extent that it will make his previous efforts along these lines look trivial. The RNC will then be forced to pull out all support for Trump in an effort to save GOP candidates down-ballot. Indeed, there is already a big movement within the Republican Party to make this happen, and no doubt these efforts will intensify after what occurred this morning.

Trump will use this inevitable RNC withdrawal of support to declare all-out war on the Republican Establishment.  He will also continue his attacks on the Media. Ironically, this could mean that his attacks on Hillary will taper off as we get closer to the actual election -- he will still throw the kitchen sink at her during the debates (Ailes and this Breitbart guy Bannon will help him with all that), but I really do believe his main target with be the GOP itself, with the Media being his secondary target.  Of course, when he loses in November, Donald will blame everyone but himself.

Trump may still drop out of the campaign, but if he does, he'll do it -- not out of any frustration -- but in order to further hurt the GOP and thus make it easier to launch the TNP (Trump Nationalist Party). The TNP will attract a lot of Republicans who don't think the GOP is racist enough. I think that will end up being about 40% of the Republican Party. 

Let me explain that number:  Of course I think the GOP is more than 40% racist.  The number of racists in the GOP is probably closer to 65%, but I don't believe all the racists in the party will change affiliation to the TNP.  Most will, but some will remain Republican.

Anyway, fun times ahead.


JB said...

I like how you're letting 25% of the GOP racist voters off the hook. Most generous of you, maybe because you feel sorry for them that their political party is imploding and they're standing shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of (other) undereducated racist dipshits.

Harold said...

The whole thing is pretty hilarious.