Thursday, August 18, 2016

Is There Such A Thing As An "Inner" Inner Trump?

Greg Sargent makes this observation about how Donald Trump reportedly feels free to release his "Inner Trump" now that Paul Manafort is on his way out as the campaign's senior adviser and conspiracy nut Steven Bannon of Breitbart News has taken control:
What’s immediately striking about this is the campaign’s apparent idea that the “inner Trump” has somehow been contained since the end of the GOP primaries. The entire GOP convention represented a choreographed spectacle of inner Trumpism, from the angry chants of “lock her up” to Trump’s rage-and-hate acceptance speech, which relied on exaggerations, distortions, and lies to paint a dystopian portrait of America as seen through the very darkest lens Trumpism has to offer. Since then, the inner Trump has roared forth constantly, most prominently in his sustained battle with the Khan family. The idea that Trump had abandoned or toned down his basic themes and messages is daft. If anything, the big story of this race has been that he stuck to them, further alienating the very voter groups he needs in the general election.
All I can say is that if what we've been witnessing these past few weeks was not the real Inner Trump -- but only a "contained" version of Donald -- then the next few months will easily be the most interesting period ever in the history of U.S. presidential campaigns.  Trump better follow through with some pretty crazy shit or I'll be profoundly pissed off.

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