Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Trump Will Drop Out Of Race By Labor Day

I just don't see Trump staying in the race much longer. Three things will combine to cause him to drop out:

(1) More Republicans will announce their opposition to him, and as this happens, it will cause a snowball effect because GOP types will feel comfortable piling onto the anti-Trump bandwagon. Trump will not be able to handle that.

(2) Trump will not be able to tolerate his low poll numbers. Donald, more than any other candidate in history, is obsessed with polls. Indeed, he constantly referred to the polls during the primary season, even during debates. His plummeting numbers will simply be too much for him.

(3) He's scared shitless over having to debate Hillary. He hates talking policy. That's why he says stupid shit all the time -- he feels more comfortable defending his silly remarks than he does discussing issues in any detail. He could get away with being vague during the GOP debates, but he won't be able to do that in his debates with Hillary. Trump would rather drop out of the race than debate her.

Bottom line: I don't think Trump ever really had much interest in being president, and he will lose all interest in the job by the time Labor Day rolls around.


shopping monkey said...

If so, he'll place a huuuge blame on someone/something else for his failure. None of it will be his fault. But then, who would the repubs slot in to run in his place? I shudder bigly to even think about it...

Harold said...

Yeah, replacing Trump will be an even bigger shit-show than the Trump campaign itself.

Danimal said...

Sorry man, there is zero chance of this. He enjoys his own echo chamber too much. Any time he is feeling down he can just go to a rally and here people scream "they took our jobs" at him.

Harold said...

I hope you are right -- I want him to stay in the race and finish the job of destroying the GOP. That's the only thing he appears to be good at (along with never seeming to know when to shut the fuck up).