Thursday, October 30, 2014

Quote of the Week

“[B]less their hearts, those haters out there. They don’t understand that it invigorates me, it wants me to get out there and defend the innocent. It makes me want to work so hard for justice in this country. So hey, the more they are pouring on, the more I’m gonna bug the crap out of them by being out there with the voice, with the message, hopefully running for office in the future too.”
- Half-term Governor Sarah Palin.

My Response: Fuck yeah you should run.  Please run.  I'm begging you to run.  If you run for president or any other political office, I will gladly contribute to your campaign -- that's how much I want you to run.

Please run.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Fourteenth Blackbird: How Liberals Search For The Truth

A recent Pew Report revealed that conservatives are more interested in gorging themselves on right-wing propaganda while liberals are more interested in getting the facts right. Pew Research "gave respondents a list of 36 popular media sources and asked how much they trusted each one." Here is what it found (via Salon):
Out of the 36 news sources, consistent liberals trusted 28, a mix of liberal and mainstream news sources. Mostly, liberal respondents generally agreed, holding out a little more skepticism for overtly ideological sources like Daily Kos or ThinkProgress, but not actually distrusting them, either. The only news sources liberals didn’t trust, generally, are overtly right-wing ones, such as Fox News, the Blaze, Breitbart, or Rush Limbaugh’s show.

Conservatives, on the other hand, saw betrayers and liars around every corner. Consistent conservatives distrusted a whopping 24 out of 36 outlets and mostly conservative respondents distrusted 15 and were skeptical of quite a few more. The hostility wasn’t just to well-known liberal sources like MSNBC. Strong conservatives hated all the network news, CNN, NPR, and the major national outlets, except the Wall Street Journal.
This explains to me why conservative talk radio is successful and liberal talk radio is not. I've tried listening to progressive talk radio and it just didn't turn my crank all that much even though I consider myself a liberal. It all just sounded too propagandistic for my tastes.

Like lots of other progressives, I prefer getting my information from a variety of sources, even -- on occasion -- Fox News and some conservative websites.  I still cannot stomach Rush Limbaugh and only listen to his program when things are going very badly for Republicans. Rush is the most hilarious thing going when bad things are happening to the GOP.

But in any event, when it comes to finding the truth of a matter, I think William Faulkner said it best:
"[There are] thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird -- but the truth, I would like to think, comes out, that when the reader has read all these thirteen different ways of looking at the blackbird, the reader has his own fourteenth image of that blackbird, which I would like to think is the true one."
I believe extreme polarization exists in the U.S. because a lot of conservatives are intellectually lazy in that they refuse to look at important issues from many different angles before formulating an opinion. I find such laziness to be incredibly unpatriotic and extremely dangerous.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Political Genius Of Barack Obama

I've been saying for years that President Obama is one of the most conservative Democrats ever to sit in the White House.  Well, one of Ronald Reagan's advisers apparently agrees with me.

Former Reagan administration domestic policy aide Bruce Bartlett argued in a recent essay that Obama "has charted a center-right course" with regard to foreign and domestic policy:
Populating his administration with hawks like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama has presided over new military engagements abroad while overseeing a draconian crackdown on national security leaks at home, Bartlett notes.

Meanwhile, Obama has pursued “very conservative” fiscal policies, Bartlett writes, signing a stimulus package that was far smaller than what experts and advisers like Christina Romer found would be necessary to really prime the nation’s economic pump. Moreover, Obama has conducted himself like a deficit hawk, “proposing much deeper cuts in spending and the deficit than did the Republicans during the 2011 budget negotiations,” when a deal eluded the two parties. And don’t buy into the the GOP “harping” that Obama hates business, Bartlett cautions. The president, he says, “has bent over backward to protect corporate profits.”

What about the Affordable Care Act, Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement? That, too, is evidence of Obama’s conservatism, Bartlett writes. Observing that Obamacare’s market-based approach drew on a model put forth by the right-wing Heritage Foundation and by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Bartlett contrasts Obamacare with a real left-wing alternative like universal Medicare. So why are conservatives so obstinately opposed to a fundamentally conservative health care law? “The only thing is that it was now supported by a Democratic president that Republicans vowed to fight on every single issue,” Bartlett writes.
Bartlett's last point touches upon the one thing that has driven the recent radicalization of the Republican Party more than anything else, and this radicalization has culminated in the purging of nearly all moderates from the GOP ranks. Charlie Crist, the former GOP governor of Florida who is now running for that post as a Democrat, famously remarked: "I didn't leave the Republican Party -- it left me."

That's where the genius of Obama's strategy comes into play.  By adopting conservative positions, the President has backed the Republican Party into a corner and forced it to become increasingly radicalized in its quest to opposed All Things Barack. In other words, he took the GOP's Achilles Heel, namely, the intense hatred within its ranks for America's first Black president, and fully exploited it to the long-term detriment of the Republican Party.

Indeed, the list of Republican ideas that the GOP now opposes simply because Obama endorsed them is a lengthy one. This list includes Pay-Go, state flexibility in welfare programs implementation, the Bipartisan Deficit Commission, the Individual Health Care Mandate, Cap and Trade, trying terrorism suspects in federal court, Medicare cost savings, and transparency in campaign contributions.

My big question is whether the GOP can avoid its demise as a national party by successfully pivoting from its radical positions after Obama leaves office.  Rand Paul has been recently pushing the necessity of making such attempts, but I think GOP efforts along these lines would be akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Give Me A Fucking Break

Score one point for the fear-mongers (and no -- this is not from The Onion):
An elementary school teacher in Maine has been placed on leave for 21 days, the incubation period of Ebola, after she visited Dallas to attend an educational conference. The teacher did not come into contact with anybody who had tested positive for the virus, but did stay at a hotel “exactly 9.5 miles away from Texas Health Presbyterian,” where Ebola patients have been treated.
It is, however, good to know that some folks are not being fooled by the fear-mongering politicians from both parties. Peter Pattakos, an attorney from Cleveland, found out that he spent 20 minutes Saturday in an Akron bridal shop where Ebola patient Amber Joy Vinson had been on that same day. Lots of folks are freaking out about Vinson's visit to this shop, but not Mr. Pattakos (h/t Chris):
"I didn't exchange any bodily fluids with anyone, so I'm not worried about it," he said. "I'm much more likely to be mistakenly killed by a police officer in this country than to be killed by Ebola, even if you were in the same bridal shop."
Thankfully, most Americans are on the same page as Mr. Pattakos. According to a recent NBC News Survey:
54% expressed at least a fair amount of confidence in the federal government to prevent a major Ebola outbreak on domestic soil. Similarly, most respondents expressed confidence in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (76%), the National Institutes of Health (64%), the World Health Organization (64%), and their state’s health department (62%).
I think most Americans understand that the real battleground is located in West Africa, where Ebola is spreading at a pretty good clip.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Unbelievable (With Update)

I have no words for this . . .

Fortunately, The Miami Herald's Mark Caputo has words. He tweeted: "Privately, Republicans/Rick Scott loyalists are telling me the moment he didn't go onstage over fangate was the moment he lost the election."

UPDATE:  From Josh Marshall:
I'd like to think that Charlie Crist's team or Crist himself were such utter geniuses that they knew somehow that pulling out a little hand fan would trigger Rick Scott meltdown and lead him to make a fool of himself just as he seems to be falling behind in his reelection effort. But I figure they probably just got lucky.
That's undoubtedly a correct assessment. Crist and his team were probably as shocked as everyone else over Rick Scott's refusal to take the stage.  Forget the whole issue of the fan itself -- Scott's hissy fit reflects very badly on his character.

On the issue of a candidate's character, it's comparable to Mitt Romney now-infamous 47% speech, except Romney did not know he was being filmed when he made those remarks.  Scott knew this event was being televised.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

More Republican Voter Fraud

UC Irvine law professor Rick Hasen says this development, which he describes as coming from the “Irony Dept,” is just “too delicious.” Leslie Rutledge, the Republican candidate for attorney general in Arkansas, has been discovered to have been registered to vote in multiple states in addition to Arkansas, and even voted by absentee ballot in Arkansas’ general election in November of 2008 – after she had registered to vote in Washington D.C. in July of the same year.

According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Rutledge has now been removed from Arkansas’ voting rolls by the Pulaski county clerk, after he confirmed that she was registered to vote in D.C., and possibly Virginia. The removal from the rolls may also lead to her ineligibility to be elected to office. ***
I find it hysterically funny that Republicans are constantly stating that they have no choice but to suppress voter rights all over the country because of virtually non-existent voter fraud; but in the few fraud cases that do arise, it is always Republicans who are the culprits. [Click here, here, here, here and here if you don't believe me.]

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Time To Release The 28 Pages

Here is a good article from The New Yorker on the yet-to-be-released 28 pages of the Joint Congressional Inquiry Into The 9-11 Attacks. One congressman who has read the classified pages stated that they offer "direct evidence of complicity on the part of certain Saudi individuals and entities in Al Qaeda's attack on America."

President Obama has promised to reverse the Bush Administration on this and declassify these pages, but he has yet to do so.

Americans need to have the full story on Saudi involvement in 9-11. Nearly 3000 people were killed as a result of those attacks.