Friday, March 29, 2013

This Does Not Surprise Me

The Asshole Don Young is at it again:
A Republican congressman from Alaska on Thursday used a slur referring to immigrants, particularly Mexicans, in an interview with a public radio station in his home state. Amid a hot-button debate in Washington over how to overhaul the nation's immigration laws, Rep. Don Young, a 21-term lawmaker, referred to immigrant workers as "wetbacks" — a term that could threaten to inflame the debate about immigration reform.

"My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," Young said in an interview with radio station KRBD. He was discussing the number of jobs that have been made irrelevant due to advances in automation.
Well, so much for the GOP's efforts to court Hispanic voters.

For me to say that I strongly dislike this guy would be understatement.  Here is one of my favorite youtube videos of all time, which just happens to feature Don Young picking a fight with the wrong guy:

"You don't own Me! I pay your salary!" I love it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

OK, Now I Totally Support An Electrified Border Fence

I didn't think our country had much of a need for an electrified fence along our southern border . . . until now:
“You gotta stop the flow of people coming across and my friends and your friends Edd who have places in South Texas tell me, as a matter a fact a guy told me last night, he said we’ve got people coming across our place speaking Chinese, French and basically all of the languages in the world, coming through and across our southern border,” [Texas Senator John Cornyn (R)] said during an interview on KSEV.
The French are now crossing our borders illegally?  That's the last straw.

By the way, this is hilarious:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Loves Guns . . . But Hates Capitalism

From TPM:
Mark Kelly's purchase of an AR-15 high-powered rifle has been canceled by the owner of a Tucson, Ariz. gun store, because the former astronaut and husband of former Rep. Gabriele Giffords (D-AZ) planned to turn the gun in to police, the Arizona Daily Star reported Monday.
Isn't this a form of gun control?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Quote of the Week

"Ashleigh, this was a deeply divided Supreme Court, and a court that seemed almost to be groping for an answer here. I am now not in the business of making predictions, but I think it is even harder to predict the result of this case after hearing this argument."
- CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who famously predicted -- one year ago tomorrow -- that the Supreme Court would strike down ObamaCare.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Well, That Settles It . . .

I've long been amused by the GOP's hatred of ACORN.  You don't remember what ACORN is was?  Well, here is a description of that now-defunct organization (via Wonkette):
ACORN was a community organizing group that became the locus of phantasmically baroque conspiracy theorizing in the build-up to the 2008 presidential election, first by the usual sad idiots, but inevitably by the seemingly rational journalists who must cover the sad idiots to pay their mortgages. ACORN attracted this negative attention, in part, because of its large and effective voter registration drives, which enfranchised record numbers of minority and low-income voters, who are demographically likely to vote for Democratic Party candidates. The sad idiots believed there was a collusion scheme between ACORN and a former employee of the group, who happened to be that year’s Democratic Presidential candidate: a ferocious IRA terrorist-sympathizer named Barrance Hussein O’Malley.

In reality, ACORN’s decades-long campaigns to raise the minimum wage and their battles against predatory lenders had simply invited the animus of powerful business interests—who fund the media activities of sad idiots and rule the planet for like-minded reptilianoid pedophile Illuminatus from the 4th Dimension.
In short, the Republicans hated ACORN, so much so that conservative activist James O'Keefe actually dressed up like a pimp and walked into an ACORN office in order to secretly film the group's employees giving advice on how to avoid legal consequences from an imaginary scheme involving tax evasion, human smuggling and child prostitution (no, I am not making this up).

When O'Keefe's efforts failed to film these employees making incriminating statements, he did some selective editing of the video in order to make it appear that ACORN was engaging in criminal activity, and Fox "News" and other GOP propaganda outlets dutifully ran the story.  Due to this and other bullshittery, ACORN filed for bankruptcy in 2010, and the organization's existence came to an end as a result.

But the mere fact that ACORN actually ceased to exist did little to slake the GOP's thirst for vengeance against this particular evil-doer.  In fact, Republican hatred for ACORN remains so intense that the GOP continues its attempt to defund it, even though the group disbanded years ago:
A new short-term budget bill introduced on Monday by House Republicans includes a bizarre provision banning federal funding to anti-poverty group ACORN, despite the fact that the group has already been stripped of federal funding -- and has been defunct for nearly three years.
Anyway, I guess that, since the remains of this organization aren't physically buried six feet under somewhere, this is the closest the GOP can come to pissing on ACORN's grave. Or maybe Republicans just want to send a signal to any group that might have the gall to push for a higher minimum wage or [gasp!] try to get more minority and low-income voters to the polls.  

But as funny as that whole thing is, its hilarity pales in comparison to the fact that the aforementioned O'Keefe just agreed to pay one of the ACORN employees he secretly filmed the sum of $100,000 in order to settle a lawsuit.  Hunter at Daily Kos explains it this way:
[H]ead tape-faker James O'Keefe, he of the pimp outfit and the heavily edited video clips accusing ACORN employees of everything from tax fraud to assisting in imaginary child prostitution rings, has agreed to settle a lawsuit by one of those employees for the not-insubstantial sum of $100,000. ***

Juan Carlos Vera was one of the ACORN employees secretly filmed by O'Keefe and an accomplice as they pretended to ask advice on how best to hide their imaginary child prostitution ring or some such. O'Keefe edited the tape to make Vera appear to be sympathetic to their queries; unbeknownst to the tapers, however, Vera afterwards had immediately contacted police to report the possible "human smuggling." ACORN employees in other offices also either contacted police or found their story to be so obviously ridiculous as to be an obvious scam. Nonetheless, O'Keefe's edited, Breitbart-peddled tape made quite the splash in the media, with O'Keefe donning a "pimp" costume to conduct interviews as to how the nasty advocates for the poor were really criminal masterminds.

That the tape was faked, however, didn't matter: Vera lost his job as a result of the tape and surrounding media hoopla.
This whole thing reminds me of the OJ Simpson situation -- it took awhile, but at least a little bit of justice has finally been done. And although I can't wait to see it, I have a feeling I'll be waiting a very long time for Fox News' report on this settlement.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Wait What?

Via First Read:
As for Obama’s dinner last night, it went very well, according to various NBC conversations with the GOP participants. It was serious. It was respectful. And it was informative. (In fact, one senator told us that he learned, for the first time, the actual cuts that the president has put on the table. Leadership hadn’t shared that list with them before).
Hold the phone -- a sitting Republican Senator had no idea what actual cuts Obama had put on the table?  Look, I'm no expert in negotiation, but it seems to me that in order to reach a compromise with a political opponent, it might be just a little helpful if you actually knew your opponent's position beforehand.

If this doesn't prove conclusively that Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP leadership had no intention of compromising with Obama on anything, then I don't know what would.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Go . . . The Fuck . . . Away

What a douchebag:
Mitt Romney stood by his belief that President Obama was aided in his re-election by giving gifts to minority voters, during an interview that aired on "Fox News Sunday."

"The president had the power of incumbency, 'Obamacare' was very attractive, particularly to those without insurance, and they came out in large numbers to vote," Romney said. "So that was part of a successful campaign." ***

"I think the 'Obamacare' attractiveness and feature was something we underestimated, particularly among lower incomes," Romney said.
I don't know, Mitt -- I seem to remember you did the same fucking thing in Massachusetts when you pushed through RomneyCare, which is identical to ObamaCare. Everybody knows that -- if you'd had the chance -- you would have proposed RomneyCare as a solution to the National Health Care Crisis during your last run for the White House, given that it was your only accomplishment as governor.

But you couldn't push your own health care plan because (1) the evil President Blackenstein had already signed it into law, and (2) your political party decided it was going to go right of Hitler on pretty much every issue, even when it came to policies it once supported (such as, ironically, RomneyFuckingCare).

And no, I am not comparing the Republican Party to Hitler.  How dare you accuse me of that.  I'm saying that the current incarnation of the GOP is right of Hitler.  At least Der Führer believed in improving his country's infrastructure

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Like Moths To The Flame

Republicans just can't help themselves when it comes to the issue of rape and pregnancy:
The president of California's oldest and largest GOP volunteer group took a wrong turn while trying to criticize GOP candidates' missteps on women's reproductive rights when she argued that pregnancies resulting from rape are rare "because the body is traumatized." ***
This whole thing reminds me of that scene in The Time Machine where the Eloi, upon hearing a siren, dutifully walk into caves to be eaten by the Morlocks.  I find it absolutely hilarious.

And speaking of this whole moth-to-flame problem, it looks like crazy right-wing Rep. Steve "Todd Akin's Got Nothing On Me" King has a clear path to the Republican nomination for the open Iowa Senate seat. As explained by Hunter at Daily Kos:
The good news for Democrats and other lovers of basic intellectual competence is that King would start off trailing the likely Democratic candidate by a healthy margin. The good news for connoisseurs of true political idiocy is that when it comes to being a very public idiot and all-around louse, Steve King never fails to bring his "A" game.
If you liked Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin, then you're gonna love Steve King. I'm seriously thinking of donating to his campaign.