Friday, August 19, 2016

Confession of the Week

From GOP strategist Matt Mackowiak:
The birther conspiracy that Trump launched in 2011 was a crucial moment for the conservative movement. We knew Obama wasn't born in Kenya. But for some conservatives, we liked seeing Obama being forced to answer Qs & provide documentation. Why not release birth certificate? The reality is Trump is clearly a racist. And this was the first sign.

Obama being born in Kenya would have required a massive cover-up. It was never plausible. But the media networks covered it breathlessly. Republicans had a chance to do the right thing and many passed. Many Republicans didn't want to offend their base, which despised Obama for taking the country far left. But the base was wrong. Questioning President Obama's citizenship was a racial attack. Does anyone doubt Tim Scott or Mia Love [were] born in the US? Of course not.

The birther episode showed us all we needed to know about Trump at that time. He should have been excommunicated. But he wasn't. He started headlining GOP events, appearing on Fox and Friends weekly, talking to reporters, traveling the country. He benefited. The conservative movement should have purged him then. He's never been a conservative. He's a carnival barker. He's not a patriot.

The birther episode concluded w/ the White House Correspondent's Dinner, which Trump attended. Trump was being celebrated in attendance. Instead of isolating Trump, Obama made him an everyday Republican, and sharply and mercilessly insulted him. Trump was seething. Had our movement already purged him he would have been all alone. But by then he'd made friends in the GOP and conservative media. I believe the feeling of embarrassment and rage that Trump felt that night at the WHCD dinner is what drove him to run for President.
The whole notion that Obama was taking the country "far left" is, of course, bullshit. But I guess it is good to see Republicans starting to finally figure out how the fuck Donald Trump became the GOP nominee for president.  Let's hope the members of whatever conservative political party ends up replacing the GOP will take this lesson to heart.

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