Friday, March 06, 2015

When Too Much Was Not Enough (w/ updates)

It seems that America's Radicalized Religious Right is pissed off at Jeb Bush because he did not do enough to save Terri Schiavo, whose cerebral cortex had basically turned to liquid as a result of massive brain damage following cardiac arrest:
Standing at the pulpit of his Sioux City, Iowa, mega-church a decade ago, Reverend Cary Gordon wept over the death of Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman who had her feeding tubes removed more than 1,500 miles away in Florida. Now, the politician mostly closely associated with trying to keep her alive is coming to the state searching for support for his prospective presidential bid.

To much of the world, it appeared as if Jeb Bush, then the governor of Florida, stood his ground against those who wanted to take Schiavo off life support. But that's not the picture that emerged for some in a crucial constituency in the state with the first presidential nominating contest.

“I’m displeased with Governor Bush,” Gordon said in an interview this week. “He could have informed law enforcement, called up the National Guard, or told the county sheriff’s office not to let it happen.” * * *
Christ, where do I even begin with something like this (now that I'm done laughing my ass off)? As the above-linked article points out, Jeb's over-the-top efforts to save Schiavo's body "were supposed to be an antidote to his troubles with the conservative base." Instead, it turns out that members of the American Taliban hate him over it.

As Jesus famously said, there's just no pleasing some people:

(h/t Ed Kilgore)

UPDATE:  I completely forgot about this (from July 2005):
Even after congressional intervention, politically-inspired misdiagnoses, and widespread slander, the Terri Schiavo matter lingered on when Florida Gov. Jeb Bush asked a prosecutor to investigate why Schiavo collapsed 15 years ago, under the notion that her husband may have called 911 too slowly. Thankfully, this lunacy came to an end yesterday when the prosecutor told Bush there was nothing more to probe.
As I wrote nearly nine years ago, a particularly warm place in Hell has been reserved for Jeb Bush and the rest of those Republican motherfuckers who refused to let Schiavo's husband do the right thing for his brain-dead wife.

UPDATE II:  Hunter at Daily Kos has more on this here.

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