Monday, March 27, 2006

I Hate The Corporate Media

MSNBC has a piece up right now about the Terri Schiavo Debacle which features an interview with Terri's husband, Michael. It is titled "Michael Schiavo's Side Of The Story: Terri's Husband On The Bitter Battle That Divided Two Families ... And America." (Emphasis added).

And America? Something like seventy-five percent of the country thought that BushCo and the Republican-run Congress should have stayed the hell away from that issue, yet MSNBC reports that the Schiavo story divided America. Hell, that was the first time in a while that the American people were pretty much in agreement on something, yet the Corporate Media insist on rewriting history and saying that the country was divided.

Indeed, Matt Lauer attempts to vilify Michael during the interview, even though the autopsy "backed her husband’s contention that she was in a persistent vegetative state, finding that she had massive and irreversible brain damage and was blind."

Anyway, Michael Schiavo settles some scores in this interview and in his new book, and I'm glad he did. There were a lot of villains in that story -- Bill Frist, George Bush, Jeb Bush, Terri's parents, the one monk dude who wore the big cross -- and I'm glad that Michael Schiavo is finally ripping into them. A special place in hell has been reserved for those people.

And I'm glad this whole thing happened, because it exposed Frist and the Bush Brothers for what they really are, namely, a bunch of wacko extremist religious nutjobs who are about as far from being Christian as people can get. It also exposed Dr. Bill Frist as a quack of the first order.

The Democrats need to constantly remind the American people of Terri Schiavo during the run-up to the Mid-Term elections. This is an issue that hit home with a lot of people, mainly because a lot of Americans have to go through something like this at least once in their lives. And, like so many other issues, Bush and the GOP were squarely on the wrong side of it.

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