Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tehran Tom, The Traitorous Twit

Here is the most recent cover to the New York Daily News, a publication which actually supported Romney for President in 2012:

HuffPo has got the goods:
Tuesday's scathing front page accuses Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and their "traitor" GOP colleagues of trying to "sabotage" President Barack Obama's nuclear talks with Iran. In a bizarre move on Monday, Cotton and 46 other Republican senators ignored protocol and sent an open letter to Iran's leaders, warning that whatever agreement reached with Obama would not be bound by the constitution.
President Obama responded to Sen. Tom Cotton's letter by hilariously stating:"I think it's somewhat ironic to see some members for Congress wanting to make common cause with the hard-liners in Iran -- it's an unusual coalition,"  The President's statement apparently inspired Democratic Colorado Rep. Jared Polis to tweet: "Tehran Tom took his case directly to the Iranian government." Polis also tweeted: "Tehran Tom asks Iranian Revolutionary Guards for help in battle against US diplomats."

Asked whether the signatories to the letter were traitors, Sen. Cotton "replied negatively and said they were just trying to speak for the American people."  This whole thing kind of reminds me of when people begin sentences with the phrase, "I don't mean to be racist, but . . . "

Anyway, the Radicalized Right was quick to come to Tehran Tom's aid, saying that he is a veteran of the Iraq War and thus somehow immune to such criticism.  But I seem to remember that Benedict Arnold was a military man and war veteran as well.

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