Saturday, March 02, 2013

Like Moths To The Flame

Republicans just can't help themselves when it comes to the issue of rape and pregnancy:
The president of California's oldest and largest GOP volunteer group took a wrong turn while trying to criticize GOP candidates' missteps on women's reproductive rights when she argued that pregnancies resulting from rape are rare "because the body is traumatized." ***
This whole thing reminds me of that scene in The Time Machine where the Eloi, upon hearing a siren, dutifully walk into caves to be eaten by the Morlocks.  I find it absolutely hilarious.

And speaking of this whole moth-to-flame problem, it looks like crazy right-wing Rep. Steve "Todd Akin's Got Nothing On Me" King has a clear path to the Republican nomination for the open Iowa Senate seat. As explained by Hunter at Daily Kos:
The good news for Democrats and other lovers of basic intellectual competence is that King would start off trailing the likely Democratic candidate by a healthy margin. The good news for connoisseurs of true political idiocy is that when it comes to being a very public idiot and all-around louse, Steve King never fails to bring his "A" game.
If you liked Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin, then you're gonna love Steve King. I'm seriously thinking of donating to his campaign.

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