Sunday, March 03, 2013

Go . . . The Fuck . . . Away

What a douchebag:
Mitt Romney stood by his belief that President Obama was aided in his re-election by giving gifts to minority voters, during an interview that aired on "Fox News Sunday."

"The president had the power of incumbency, 'Obamacare' was very attractive, particularly to those without insurance, and they came out in large numbers to vote," Romney said. "So that was part of a successful campaign." ***

"I think the 'Obamacare' attractiveness and feature was something we underestimated, particularly among lower incomes," Romney said.
I don't know, Mitt -- I seem to remember you did the same fucking thing in Massachusetts when you pushed through RomneyCare, which is identical to ObamaCare. Everybody knows that -- if you'd had the chance -- you would have proposed RomneyCare as a solution to the National Health Care Crisis during your last run for the White House, given that it was your only accomplishment as governor.

But you couldn't push your own health care plan because (1) the evil President Blackenstein had already signed it into law, and (2) your political party decided it was going to go right of Hitler on pretty much every issue, even when it came to policies it once supported (such as, ironically, RomneyFuckingCare).

And no, I am not comparing the Republican Party to Hitler.  How dare you accuse me of that.  I'm saying that the current incarnation of the GOP is right of Hitler.  At least Der Führer believed in improving his country's infrastructure

1 comment:

judi Bola Online said...

wooowww i like your thinking broo,,hehehehe