Thursday, November 19, 2015

Obama's Favorite Right-Wing Conspiracy

I thought this was pretty funny:
[W]hen Simmons asked the President what he thought was the most entertaining conspiracy theory about himself, it was clear that Obama was having a laugh at the internet rumors surrounding "Jade Helm 15" that riled some southern states, particularly Texas, earlier this year.

"That military exercises we were doing in Texas were designed to begin martial law so that I could usurp the Constitution and stay in power longer," he told Simmons. "Anybody who thinks I could get away with telling Michelle I’m going to be president any longer than eight years does not know my wife."
My favorite Obama conspiracy theory will always be the whole Birther thing, because in order for that conspiracy to have been true, Obama would have had to use time-travel technology to jump back to early-1960s Honolulu to put birth announcements into the newspapers there. 

One GOP congressman tried to get around this problem by suggesting that Obama's family might have sent telegrams from Kenya to Hawaii requesting that operatives there insert fake birth notices in the papers so that little Barack could one day be President of the United States. But if that's the case, they should have picked a more presidential sounding name than Barack Hussein Obama, don't you think?

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