Thursday, August 02, 2012

Telegrams From Kenya: The Barack Obama Story

Racists sure say the darndest things. Here is what Rep. Steve King (R-IA) came up with yesterday concerning Barack Obama's supposed Hawaiian birth:
We went down into the Library of Congress and we found a microfiche there of two newspapers in Hawaii each of which had published the birth of Barack Obama. It would have been awfully hard to fraudulently file the birth notice of Barack Obama being born in Hawaii and get that into our public libraries and that microfiche they keep of all the newspapers published. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some other explanations on how they might’ve announced that by telegram from Kenya. The list goes on. But drilling into that now, even if we could get a definitive answer and even if it turned out that Barack Obama was conclusively not born in America, I don’t think we could get that case sold between now and November.
I heard someone on television say today that if a person was really going to go through all the trouble to make it look like an infant was born in Hawaii -- just on the off chance that this kid might want to run for President someday -- then why would they give that infant the weird-sounding name "Barack Hussein Obama"?

That's a good question. I mean, did they simply neglect to put much thought into what they'd name this future president?  Did planning the whole telegram from Kenya part of the scheme simply consume too much of the conspirators' collective brain power?

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