Thursday, September 24, 2015

Trump Is Right: Carly Fiorina Is Ugly

I don't think she's physically ugly -- but she is clearly "ugly" in other ways.

I watched the last GOP presidential debate -- the one that catapulted Fiorina's standing in the polls -- and she said during that debate that undercover videos taken by anti-abortion activists during a "sting operation" against Planned Parenthood featured a "fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’”

I remember thinking at the time, "Wow, that's interesting -- why haven't I heard about this before tonight?"  Well, the answer to that question is simple:  the footage of which she was speaking simply does not exist.

And that's where the story really gets interesting (from The Nation):
Since it’s not actually possible to watch the footage Fiorina described, the PAC supporting her recently tried to create it. A heavily-edited one-minute video posted to YouTube on Saturday and emailed to her supporters contains clips of Fiorina at the debate, interspersed with images and audio cobbled together from a variety of sources. There’s an image that seems to be a fetus with its limbs moving, but it’s not from Planned Parenthood; it’s from the Grantham Collection and Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, two anti-abortion groups known for creating misleading graphics. The audio, meanwhile, was taken from an unrelated clip from CMP. The video then cuts to an image of a stillborn baby that again has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, and was used without the permission of the parent.
My take: either Fiorina is the type of person who has no problem looking the American people in the eyes and intentionally lying to them, or she is delusional. Neither possibility is particularly presidential.

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