Monday, September 28, 2015

Quote of the Week

“You have some people who are just focused on making the trains run and getting things done as opposed to standing up for the that things we need to fight for.” 
- Rick Santorum, discussing why it is important for Republicans to let the country go to shit just so that radicalized members of the GOP can push their extremist agenda that has little chance of getting through Congress and absolutely no chance of surviving an Obama veto.

Christ, people -- if you hate this country so much, then just do us all a favor and get the fuck out.

BONUS QUOTE:  “I think it signals the crazies have taken over the party, taken over to the party that you can remove a speaker of the House who’s second in line to be president, a constitutional officer in the middle of his term with no allegations of impropriety, a person who’s honest and doing his job. This has never happened before in our country. He could have stayed on.” -- Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), on Boehner's resignation.

As I have stated before, the GOP is clearly in its death throes -- I just don't see how it can survive much longer as a national party.

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