Friday, May 03, 2013

When You Ain't Got Nothing, You've Got Nothing To Lose

The "Benghazi Scandal" that John McCain and other Republicans are trying to keep alive -- which is a tough thing to do given that there never really was a scandal to begin with -- reminds me more and more of Bill Clinton's PenisGate Scandal.  The Republicans were outraged by Clinton's sexual indiscretions -- outraged I say -- but nobody else seemed to give a shit.  Benghazi is the same deal.

And that is why I love this so much:
Pressure is mounting on House Republican leaders to form a special committee to investigate the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
I completely understand why some members of the GOP want to do this.  Put yourself in their shoes -- they hate this President.  They hate Obama with every fiber of their being, mostly because he is a Black man.

And that is why the Obama Presidency has been so frustrating for the GOP.  Although Republicans can shut down a good part of Obama's domestic agenda because 60 votes are now required in the Senate to get anything done, they couldn't -- and still can't -- do a goddam thing about Obama's foreign policy, and behold the result:  BushCo's Iraq Debacle is over, the War in Afghanistan is winding down, Obama successfully intervened in Libya and Gadaffi is now gone, he sent Seal Team 6 into Pakistan and killed Osama bin Laden, he reversed the Bush/Cheney torture policies, he pushed through a new START treaty, he has decimated the ranks of Al Qaeda via drone strikes, etc. etc. etc.

Had the previous administration also enjoyed a successful foreign policy, perhaps the GOP wouldn't be as mad at Obama for his achievements.  But the Bush/Cheney foreign policy was a clusterfuck of epic proportions, which makes Obama's successes stand out even more.

So why this GOP obsession with Benghazi?  I think Richard Gere summed it up best in this scene:

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