Tuesday, May 07, 2013

GOP Suicide March Continues

I laughed out loud when I read this (from Steve Benen):
Ordinarily, when the chair of a major political party is forced to resign, it's safe to assume there's been some kind of scandal. Occasionally, there's suspected embezzlement or a personal scandal that brings a chair's judgment into question, but as a rule, a resignation is tied to some kind of disgrace.

But not always. The chair of the Illinois Republican Party, for example, has been forced to give up his post for the shocking crime of supporting the right of gay Americans to get married.
Usually, when a political party gets handed its ass in two successive presidential elections, its smarter members realize it is time to alter tactics and the party changes with the times.  But not the GOP.  The Republican Party is still letting its radicals run things, and I can't get enough of it.

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