Saturday, September 15, 2012

Racist Republican Tim Huelskamp Attacks Planned Parenthood

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, a Republican congressman from Kansas (and apparently one of the GOP's biggest racists -- and that is saying a lot) -- had this to say at the Values Voter Summit this morning:
[W]e see this administration opposing any reductions in taxpayer funding to the one private corporation, the largest abortion business in the entire country -- Planned Parenthood. Would not allow any single reductions, more than $300 million tax dollars to this entity. And ladies and gentlemen, I am the adoptive father of four children, each of them either -- each of them either black, Hispanic, Native American, and I am incensed that this president pays money to an entity that was created for the sole purpose of killing children that look like mine -- a racist organization, and it continues specifically to target minorities for abortion destruction. Shame on this president and shame on that party.”
What an asshole.

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