Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Reverse Birtherism?

At least one Birther is now saying that Obama is an American citizen. Well, I guess that's a step in the right direction:
The top election official in Arizona, fresh off his flirtation with birtherism, has moved on to a strange new conspiracy theory involving President Barack Obama.

Secretary of State Ken Bennett says he’s convinced Obama was born in Hawaii, but he now believes the president fraudulently claimed to be born in Kenya so he could get into college. He also believes the president has spent millions of dollars since then to cover it up. * * *
By the way, a recent poll asked this question: "Which of the following statements best describes your view on whether Barack Obama was born in the United States?" 55.6% of Republicans responded "I have always believed President Obama was born in another country."

In other words, half the members of the GOP are racist. No wonder Republican politicians feel the need to suck up to these folks on a regular basis.

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