Thursday, March 15, 2012

Quote of the Week

"I always believed that when you run for president of the United States, it should be illegal to read off a teleprompter. Because all you're doing is reading someone else's words to people. You know, when you're running for president, people should know not what someone's writing for you after they've had pollsters and speech writers test it."
Rick Santorum.

I love how Republicans are always going after Obama because he uses teleprompters. Of course, what they are trying to imply is that this poor, unfortunate Negro is such an idiot that he can't even string a few sentences together without help from a machine -- and what they are hoping when they make such an attack is that nobody in their audience has ever watched an Obama press conference or tuned in to the 2008 presidential debates.

I like what Jonathan Chait had to say about all this:
[T]he Republican war on TelePrompTers has poetically backfired. It began as a quasi-racist meme among the fever swamps of the right, a way for right-wingers to express their belief that Obama is a brainless talking doll. By catering to it, Republicans backed themselves into a position where they can’t use TelePrompTers at all. The result is a series of rambling election night speeches that manage to be at once frightening and dull. The speeches, like the race, just go on and on and on.

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