Monday, March 12, 2012

I Like Bill Maher . . .

. . . but he's dead wrong on this issue:
Bill Maher continued to diminish Rush Limbaugh’s sexist attacks on Sandra Fluke and attack liberals for overreacting. On his HBO show last night, Maher said that liberals should “put this in perspective… a guy made a bad joke.” He added in that in America “sometimes you’re made to feel uncomfortable.”

Actually, Limbaugh launched hateful attacks against Fluke seventy times over three days. You can watch all of Limbaugh’s attacks on Fluke here. He doesn’t appear to be joking.

Maher insisted that he was not, in fact, defending Limbaugh but “defending living in a country where people don’t have to be afraid that they might go out of the bounds for one minute. Do we all want to be talking like White House spokesmen?”
* * *
Look, I understand what Maher is trying to say, but in saying it he's equating himself with Rush Limbaugh, and there really is no comparison. I doubt Maher gets many calls from Democrats apologizing because they said something negative about him. Maher is a comedian, for Christ's Sake.

Limbaugh, however, is always receiving apologies from Republicans who criticize him -- an example can be found here -- and the reason he receives such apologies is because Limbaugh is the de facto head of the GOP -- at least he was prior to the recent dust-up.


shopping monkey said...

Also, big difference between politicians, comedians, public figures jabbing insults at each other and a national radio commentator (I don't think he would call himself a comedian) slandering a young college student. Don't know if Limbaugh has kids (I pity them if so), but I'm sure he would be furious if someone called his daughter a slut on national radio. Nevermind that his logic and facts – as usual – were all wrong.

Harold said...

I checked, and he doesn't have any kids (at least that's what the internets say).