Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Well, That Was Swift

Looks like the McCain Campaign's attacks on Obama using Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, and Jeremiah Wright might be over before they really got started. From Politico:

After days of attempts to persuade voters that Obama’s ties to ‘60s radical Bill Ayers are a crucial character issue, McCain didn’t mention Ayers’ name during the 90 minutes of Tuesday’s forum. His top aides suggested afterward that, going forward, the candidate wouldn’t focus on the former domestic terrorist nor invoke the name of Obama’s controversial pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. * * *

“As long as the Dow is down 500 points a day, that's going to push a lot of the Rezko and Ayers stuff off the front pages,” acknowledged a Republican National Committee official. * * *
It'll be interesting to see whether Sarah Palin will stop talking about Ayers in her stump speeches. I have a feeling she won't. Her job is to keep the base on board, and the GOP base really seems to love these kind of attacks. It brings out the best in them.

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