Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Debate Reaction

McCain did much better than last time, I thought. He did an Al Gore-like change of strategy and actually looked at Obama this time (but the whole "that one" comment when he was referring to Obama didn't sound so nice).

Obama wasn't as sharp as he was in the first debate. He mangled a couple sentences near the end and actually said the opposite of what he wanted to say in one of them. But he still did a good job, seemed relaxed throughout, and came off as likeable and knowledgeable just like he did in the first one.

In a lot of ways, this was a replay of that first debate. Many of the same questions were asked, and they both gave a lot of the same answers that they gave in the first. I know that kind of thing is inevitable in these debates. I guess I'm just happy that they aren't doing weekly town hall events like McCain wanted to do. That would get awfully boring awfully fast.

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