Saturday, February 02, 2008

This Has No Chance . . .

. . . but I like it:

Fed up that Washington hasn’t done more to end the war, a group of Vermont lawmakers said Tuesday that the president no longer has the authority to use Guard troops in Iraq.

State Rep. Michael Fisher, D-Lincoln, said the authority to call up Guard members for Iraq duty has expired because that country no longer poses a threat to U.S. national security.

“The mission authorized in 2002 does not exist,” said Fisher, who plans to introduce a bill backed by 30 colleagues Wednesday that calls on Gov. Jim Douglas to join the effort. “Unless Congress grants a new authorization, the Vermont Guard should revert back to state control.” * * *
Iraq, of course, never did pose a threat to the United States, but that's ancient [non]history, right? Other states -- namely, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island -- are considering similar proposals.

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