Monday, April 23, 2007

Karl Rove -- First-Class Prick

At last weekend's White House Correspondents Dinner, Sheryl Crow and Laurie David tried to have a conversation with Karl Rove on the issue of global warming. The discussion started out combative, and then it just got weird:

In his attempt to dismiss us, Mr. Rove turned to head toward his table, but as soon as he did so, Sheryl reached out to touch his arm. Karl swung around and spat, "Don't touch me." How hardened and removed from reality must a person be to refuse to be touched by Sheryl Crow? Unphased, Sheryl abruptly responded, "You can't speak to us like that, you work for us." Karl then quipped, "I don't work for you, I work for the American people." To which Sheryl promptly reminded him, "We are the American people."
OK, I guess we already knew Rove was an asshole, but geesus. Perhaps BushCo's "Political Genius" is a little grouchy these days given that everything he touches now turns to shit.

And Karl, since you are working for the American people and all, maybe you can explain to us what the hell you and the Idiot-In-Chief were thinking the other day when Bush did this:

George Bush stood up in front of the public with cameras rolling and by all appearances gave away our positions to the enemy. This wasn't a careless slip of the tongue either. He displayed a prepared map with arrows marking the locations of two dozen new US outposts in and around Baghdad -- with major streets and landmarks thrown in for reference. Keep that in mind when those locales get hit and the routes leading in and out of them start sporting IEDs (Which may have already begun BTW).
Prepared maps? What do you want to bet Karl Rove had something to do with that? Apparently Rove wanted to make Bush appear he had a handle on things militarily -- you know, to make up for the embarrassing fact that Bush deserted his post during the Vietnam War. Ironically, all Rove did was help Bush commit an act of treason.

The next time Cheney or one of the other neo-fascists accuse a war opponent of aiding the enemy, that war opponent should simply respond: "Well, at least I don't give Al Qaeda our troop positions like President Bush does."

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