Wednesday, June 14, 2006

This Makes My Day

You really gotta love this:

Want to know why supporters of Sen. Joe Lieberman are planning an independent bid? A new Rasmussen Reports poll shows Lieberman leading primary challenger Ned Lamont (D) by just six percentage points, 46% to 40%.

There are some issues with the poll, such as a small sample size (218) and large margin of error (7%), but the results are a clear sign that Lamont is gaining traction.
If Lieberman does go independent, that could cause some problems for the Democrats in the Senate, but a Lamont victory in the primary would definitely put the fear of God into the GOP during the run-up to the Mid-Terms. Lamont clearly has the momentum right now.

Denis Horgan of the Hartford Courant had this to say (via Daily Kos):

Seeking to lambaste Ned Lamont, Lieberman's primary opponent, the senator's staff and admirers reach into the Bush-Cheney-Coulter playbook. No less a light than Sean Smith, Lieberman's campaign manager offers the bizarre, Orwellian, Bushian assault on the foe:

"The only public record this guy [Lamont] has, he voted time and again like a Republican," Smith said. "Why would we support that?" He said Lieberman would not promise to support Lamont, because the businessman voted frequently with Republicans as a local official in Greenwich.

Excuse us, but Lieberman is in a pickle today exactly because he so proudly, openly, happily, repeatedly, madly voted like a Republican. In fact, we have barely his word for it that he is a Democrat at all. The president kissed him, for cryeye. When you're getting smootched like some Brokeback cowboy by a Republican, it barely works to criticize your opponent for voting like a Republican in some town school board matter when, the lipstick still damp, you've been knee-jerking along voting for Iraq and supporting the Bush war on Social Security and a million other things.

Lieberman says it takes courage to be as wrong as he's been. Maybe. It takes some common sense, though, not to try to blame your opponent for doing what you've been doing so vigorously for so long.
Pot. Kettle. Black.

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