Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bush Reaches Another Milestone In Iraq


The number of U.S. military deaths in the Iraq war has reached 2,500, the Pentagon said Thursday, more than three years into a conflict that finds U.S. and allied foreign forces locked in a struggle with a resilient insurgency.

In addition, the Pentagon said 18,490 U.S. troops have been wounded in the war, which began in March 2003 with a U.S.-led invasion to topple President Saddam Hussein.

Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed.
Meanwhile, a second poll is showing no significant increase in the approval rating for Bush in the post-al-Zarqawi era. From AmericaBlog:

The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll had Bush "surging" 1 point -- all the way from 36% to 37%. This morning, Matt Lauer was incredulous that the numbers for Bush haven't spiked. The media is waiting for -- and pushing the narrative that there will be -- a Bush surge. The American people, who, unlike the media, grasp that Bush has lied to them about Iraq many times, aren't giving him one. . .

For whatever reason, the traditional media always, always, always falls for the Bush spin. Yet, these days, the public doesn't. Bush can -- and does -- play the media. Exhibit A yesterday was CNN's John King who was literally gushing about the Bush trip to Iraq. But Bush's tricks and lies don't seem to be working on the American people -- yet anyway.
This has to be hugely troubling for the Bush Regime and for the GOP. Ironically, the problem may be the ignorance of the American people.

Yeah, I know -- American ignorance usually helps the GOP, but this time it might have hurt them. After all, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi wasn't exactly a household name when they blew him up. BushCo opponents knew the name because Bush had a chance to take al-Zarqawi out during the run-up to the Iraq Catastrophe, yet decided not to do so, undoubtedly because it would have demonstrated that Saddam -- our most lethal enemy and the most dangerous man since Hitler -- couldn't even control the northern part of his own country.

I wonder how many American soldiers died as a result of that particular BushCo failure.

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