Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Looks Like The Folks In Kansas Have Finally Gotten Their Fill Of Radicalized GOP Fuckery

Bloodbath in Kansas:
Gov. Sam Brownback assured the public that the income tax cuts he championed would stimulate the Kansas economy, supply plenty of money for schools and give other states a "pro-growth" policy model to follow. But voters, including many Republicans, appear to have rejected that idea in the face of budget woes and court battles over education funding. On Tuesday, they ousted 11 of the conservative governor's allies in favor of more centrist candidates.

The GOP incumbents who lost in the primary included the Senate's majority leader. Another three conservative House members were trailing Wednesday in still-undecided races. ***  U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp, a tea party favorite who lost his GOP primary race in the 1st Congressional District of western and central Kansas, acknowledged the "wave against conservatives." 
Huelskamp wasn't just your run-of-the-mill Tea-Bagger -- he was the Bagger-In-Chief, the actual leader of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress.

Let's hope Kansas gives other states an anti-Bagger policy model to follow.

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