Saturday, August 13, 2016

Here's One I've Never Heard Before

As noted previously on this blog, Republicans have blamed President Obama for pretty much everything.  They've even blamed him for the Blood Moon, Ebola, Hurricane Katrina, and "inappropriate selfies."

But this is new one:
Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson has once again blamed President Obama for something that happened years before he took office. Remember how Pierson blamed Obama for Captain Humayun Khan's death in 2004? Well, on CNN this morning, as she was arguing with anchor Victor Blackwell about Trump’s “founder of ISIS” remark, Pierson actually said, “Remember, we weren’t even in Afghanistan by this time. Barack Obama went into Afghanistan, creating another problem.”
Just for the record, Obama wasn't even in the U.S. Senate at the time we invaded Afghanistan in 2001 -- he was a state senator then.

And speaking of Obama, here is a good op/ed piece on what I believe is the most under-reported political story in decades, namely, the radicalization of the Republican Party during the Obama Years.  I particularly liked these paragraphs:
If your political priorities are the total defeat of a single politician – not the advancement of your own policies through debate or legislation – then you are already in pretty desperate shape. You render it impossible to compromise with your opponents, and you fan the flames of extremism that will burn anyone in the center.

You also look weak and foolish when you lose, surrendering the stage to someone who can vilify his opponents better than you. So don’t look dazed and confused at Donald Trump when he runs your playbook more convincingly than your own team. It’s too late to fret about endorsing his kooky positions – like deporting millions of undocumented immigrants, treating all Muslims as enemies and blowing up the deficit – when they are only logical extensions of your own.

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