Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Someone Finally Stands Up To The Saudis

The Saudis are reportedly pissed off at Obama right now, and that makes me very happy:
A senior member of the Saudi royal family has criticized comments made by President Obama in a recent magazine article, suggesting that Obama's harsh remarks about the kingdom were a "curveball" in America's relationship with one of its main Arab allies. ***

In the lengthy Atlantic Magazine feature published last week, Obama told correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg that “free riders" aggravated him. The comment appeared to be largely aimed at America's European and Arab allies who the president felt did not contribute their fair share on the international stage.
It's about time someone high up in the US government started talking like this. Let's not forget: Fifteen of the nineteen 9-11 hijackers were Saudi citizens, and even today we are not allowed to read the 28 pages of the 9-11 Commission's report dealing with Saudi involvement in the attacks. Hopefully Obama will declassify these pages before he leaves office. If I'd had a family member die in the attacks, I know I'd want to read them.


JB said...

You probably saw that this came back into the news yesterday:


I dare them. Word is their economy is rapidly approaching the point of no return on its one-way descent into the toilet.

JB said...

And I've gotta say, I'm starting to like this bit where we freeze assets of asshole countries and use it to pay off pain and suffering of families:


If only we could go further and take ALL their money, make the leaders live in squalor the rest of their lives, now THAT would be cool.

Harold said...

Needless to say, I am loving all of that. Bush/Cheney definitely had an enemy identification problem when it came to the Saudis and Pakistan. Obama has no such problem.

JB said...

I should probably stop commenting on this post, but there's a steady trickle of related stories. This latest one is clearly a load of horse sh!t:


It's a little surprising because I thought Obama was being tough on the Saudis (per your post). Maybe he's only a little tough on them...

Harold said...

All I know is: The Saudis hate Obama. That's enough for me. Brennen is just trying to soften the blow. Looks like they're going to release it.