Wednesday, October 07, 2015

The "Are You Fucking Kidding Me?!" Quote of the Decade

"The in­teg­rity of Trey Gowdy, the in­teg­rity of the work that has been done has nev­er come in­to ques­tion and it nev­er should be. Stop play­ing polit­ics."
-- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), in response to the Democrats' withering onslaught brought about by his statement that the purpose of the Select Committee on Benghazi was to damage Hillary Clinton politically.

McCarthy's recent admission with regard to the true purpose of Benghaaazi! is, politically speaking, one of those perfect storms.  Not only did it give Hillary and the Dems a very potent weapon with which to beat the living crap out of the GOP, but it also threatens McCarthy's prospects of ascending to the Speakership.  In fact, the Bagger Contingent within the House announced today that it will not be supporting McCarthy for Speaker.

McCarthy will still probably win in the end, but he'll be damaged goods when he takes the gavel.  I had no idea as to exactly how the GOP was going to meet its demise as a national party, but I think we are finally witnessing the initial phases of the endgame.

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