Friday, August 14, 2015

Re-Writing History Is Hard . . .

. . . especially recent history. Just ask Jeb Bush:
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush was heckled during an Iowa speech over his brother George W. Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq. Bush criticized the haste of the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq under the Obama administration. “The Iraqis want our help,” he said. “They want to know that we have skin in the game, that we’re committed to this.”

“We had to get out in 2011!” the heckler yelled. Despite the interruption, Bush kept his composure. “We didn’t have to get out in 2011,” he retorted.

“Your brother signed the deal!” the heckler continued.

“It could have been modified, and that was the expectation,” Bush said. “Everybody in Iraq and everybody in Washington knew that this deal could have been expanded. And now what we need to do–”

“Your brother signed a bad deal!”

“–now we have to do something else,” he finished.
This isn't going to end well for Jeb, because folks not only remember the clusterfuck his brother created in Iraq -- they are still really pissed off about it.

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