Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Favorite Part About The Bill O'Reilly Falklands Fabrication Scandal?

That's easy.  What I really like is that it is starting to seep into the mainstream media.

I've repeatedly heard mainstream outlets -- as part of their coverage of VA Chief Bob McDonald's false claim that he was in Army special forces -- compare McDonald's situation to the embellishments made by Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly about their "combat" experiences.

O'Reilly knows that Fox News will never fire or suspend him over this, particularly given that Fox undoubtedly hired O'Reilly to lie about stuff.  But what probably worried O'Reilly the most is that the mainstream media would start lumping him in with Brian Williams.

Well, that is exactly what has happened, and even an idiot like O'Reilly knows that it will be pretty hard to un-ring that particular bell.

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