Wednesday, January 28, 2015

More On Sarah Palin's Meltdown at the Iowa Freedom Summit

Looks like former half-term governor Sarah Palin is trying to blame a teleprompter malfunction for her weird and awful speech at last week's Iowa Freedom Summit:
At one point, Palin’s teleprompter froze, according to the New York Daily News, causing her to ad lib through part of her speech where she made the odd “the man can only ride ya when your back is bent,” comment.  * * *

But according to Bloomberg Politics and US News, Palin’s excuse of a malfunctioning teleprompter has been used before to cover up odd moments in her speeches.
I don't really care that she has used the excuse of a faulty teleprompter before.  What I find interesting is that Sarah Palin has mocked President Obama for using teleprompters.  Who could forget this little Palin gem from the 2010 National Bagger Convention:
In a speech that made frequent appeals to patriotism and faith, Palin used the folksy, Washington-outsider rhetoric to lambaste Obama and his Democratic Party.

"How's that hope-y, change-y stuff working out for you?" she asked, mocking the slogans of hope and change that swept Obama's campaign into to the White House.  ***

"This is about the people ... and it's a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter," she said, a reference to Obama's use of teleprompters which conservative critics frequently chide him for.
You get the idea, right?  You don't?  Well, let me translate.

What Palin was saying is that the uppity . . . gentleman currently occupying the White House is so stupid (no doubt due to his racial handicap) that he actually uses a teleprompter [!!] when delivering speeches. This is an example of "code-speak" the GOP uses to attack Obama because he is Black, something the racist GOP base finds very appealing.  As I mentioned here before, other examples of such dog-whistle phrases include "Obama follows a 'Kenyan, anti-colonial' worldview," and "Obama is the 'food stamp president'" and the oldie-but-a-goodie battle cry, "Where's the Birth Certificate!?"

But Palin is so incredibly stupid that she just just doesn't see the disconnect of criticizing Obama for using a teleprompter while blaming her epic speaking failures on a malfunction of the very same device she mocks the President for using.  Maybe she should go back to writing stuff on her hand:

My main concern is that Palin's recent gaffes will prevent her from making a run for the presidency. I hope it doesn't because it is hard to think of something that would be more hilarious than that.

And Sarah, you posed the question, "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff working out for you?" Well, it's working out just fine.  Thanks for asking.

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