Monday, August 11, 2014

The GOP's "Blame Obama For Everything" Movement Reaches New Low . . . (With Update)

. . . or maybe it's a new high - all I know is I find it pretty freaking hilarious (via Political Wire):
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) offered a theory to KSHB-TV when asked why significant numbers of Republican primary voters cast ballots against incumbents on Tuesday.

Brownback won, but his little-known primary opponent Jennifer Winn (R) received 37% of the vote. Said Brownback: "I think a big part of it is Barack Obama. That a lot of people are so irritated at what the president is doing, they just, they want somebody to throw a brick."
Gov. Brownback then reportedly stubbed his toe and tripped as he was leaving his campaign headquarters, and immediately yelled at the top of his lungs, "Goddam Obama! He caused me to trip! Impeach!!  IMPEACH NOW!!!"

Okay, I made that last part up. But it does appear that we are rapidly heading toward a time when the GOP will in fact blame Obama for absolutely every bad thing that happens to anyone or anything anywhere.

And I can hardly wait.

UPDATE:  Recently-indicted Rick Perry blames Obama for the indictment, and Pat Robertson blames Obama for the corruption charges filed against former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell.

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