Saturday, January 25, 2014

What Do I Like Most About Mike Huckabee?

That's easy -- he's not afraid to double down on his own bullshit.  Here is what he had to say the other day about women:
"If the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government then so be it! Let us take that discussion all across America because women are far more than the Democrats have played them to be."
When Richard Mourdock made his "God Likes Rape" remark, he later apologized. When Todd Akin made his now-legendary "legitimate rape" comment, he not only apologized, but he issued his apology on Huckabee's radio show.

Well, that had to have looked pretty weak to Mike Huckabee, a guy who clearly likes saying crazy shit and seems to enjoy digging a deeper hole for himself when he does.  Here's what the former Arkansas governor had to say yesterday about his comment that all women who use birth control are sluts:
“I'm always flattered when people on the far left manufacture a new version of being ‘offended.’ They can be quite creative in finding something that hurts their feelings.”
Huckabee/Cruz Rubio Christie McDonnell Palin 2016!!

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