Thursday, August 15, 2013

Racists Say The Darndest Things

Here is the new conspiracy theory from the folks who are furious that a Black Democratic president could do something in two years that a White Republican president couldn't do in eight years, namely, kill Osama bin Laden:
Conservatives seeking to unveil the transgressions of President Barack Obama's presidency seized upon another target Thursday: the iconic photograph capturing a tense moment in the White House Situation Room on the night of the raid upon Osama bin Laden.

After skeptics coaxed the White House into releasing a photo of Obama skeet shooting in February, and Fox News suggested a photo of Obama golfing was "staged" earlier this week, Bryan Fischer, a conservative radio host and an official with the American Family Association, followed suit with a familiar, and quite detailed, conspiracy theory.

"Look at the size of his head compared to the size of the head of everybody else in the room. Even people standing in the back of the room, their heads are bigger than his head," Fischer said on his show Focal Point. "And it looks teeny-tiny next to the people that he's sitting next to. He looks kind of hunched over and small."

He continued: "Frankly I think that got photoshopped in after deal. I think Obama's approach was, 'Hey, if this thing goes south, I don't want to be in the room. I don't want to be anywhere near this thing if it blows up. If it succeeds, if it's an outstanding success, then photoshop me in there.'"

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