Friday, May 24, 2013

Hate Groups React To Boy Scouts' Decision

Hate groups such as Liberty Counsel, the American Family Association, and the Southern Baptist Convention just can't accept the Boy Scout's decision to let openly gay kids into the organization:
Matt Barber, a lawyer with a group called Liberty Counsel, said the Scouts have become the "latest formerly honorable institution to crumble" under the "homofascist agenda." The American Family Associations Bryan Fischer added, "BSA now stands for Boy Sodomizers of America, because that's what will happen. Mark my words."
"Homofascist agenda" -- that's pretty funny. The response from the Southern Baptist Convention was equally hilarious:
Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Frank Page, who had met with Scouting leaders and urged them to maintain the current policy, said he was "deeply saddened" that the BSA overturned its "constitutionally protected expressive message that homosexual behavior is incompatible with the principles enshrined in the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

"We know that the pressures exerted against the voting members of the 1,400 chartered organizations by homosexual activist groups have been unrelenting," Page said. "We are grateful for each voting member who voted in the minority, but our sadness for the Scouting organization as a whole cannot be overstated."

Page said the vote "ushers in a sea-change in the credibility of the Boy Scouts of America as a viable boys' organization for millions of Americans who believe strongly in the principles of biblical morality. To claim that the Boys Scouts is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training suddenly rings hollow."
"Biblical morality." I love it how hate groups like these spew their bullshit and then justify it by citing the Bible.

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