Friday, January 25, 2013

Is This Guy The Next Todd Akin?

I certainly hope so:
U.S. Rep. Paul Broun isn't saying he's running for Senate, but he's not saying he's NOT running for Senate.

Broun continued to play coy about challenging [current GOP Georgia Senator] Saxby Chambliss in the 2014 Republican primary when WUAG 1340 AM's Tim Bryant pressed him on it this morning.***

Another guest, David Johnson of the polling firm Strategic Vision, said Chambliss is vulnerable because the very ideological, active Republicans who tend to vote in primaries see him as being too open to compromise.
The above-quoted article is a few days old, and the situation has changed.  Today we learned that Sen. Chambliss will not run for reelection in 2014. This leaves a clear opening for Paul Broun to run for that seat, and I couldn't be happier about that prospect.  This video explains why I feel that way:

If you can't watch the video where you are, Broun said, among other things: "All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the big bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell." The most hilarious part of all this is that Broun actually sits on the House Committee on Science and Technology (no, I am not making that up).

Anyway, I'm crossing my fingers that this idiot will run for Chambliss' seat.  If he does, then the Democrats should do exactly what they did with Todd Akin, namely, give money to Broun's campaign to ensure that he gets the nomination.  The Democrats actually contributed $1.5 million to Akin's campaign because they thought he'd be the perfect candidate for Claire McCaskill to run against, and it was money well spent:  Akin got the nomination, then made his now-famous "legitimate rape" comment, and the rest is history.

My point is this:  If the GOP is still stupid enough to run kooks for the U.S. Senate, then the Dems should do everything they can to make sure these kooks win their primaries.

Not to change the subject -- because I am not changing the subject -- John Boehner said this in response to Obama's Inauguration address:
"Given what we heard yesterday about the president's vision for his second term, it's pretty clear to me that he knows he can't do any of that as long as the House is controlled by Republicans. So we're expecting over the next 22 months to be the focus of this administration as they attempt to annihilate the Republican Party.  And let me just tell you, I do believe that is their goal – to just shove us into the dustbin of history."
My response to Boehner? If it isn't the goal of Obama and the Dems to annihilate the GOP, then it should be. In fact, it would be political malpractice for Obama not to have such a goal.

The irony of all this, of course, is that the GOP spent the last four years openly trying to destroy Obama's presidency, doing so even when it threatened to bring down the U.S. economy. Threats to our country's security and stability must be neutralized.  If I were Obama, I'd feel it was my patriotic duty to do everything I could right to shove the Republican Party into the dustbin of history, because that's where it belongs.

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