Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hagel Controversy In A Nutshell

Hunter at Daily Kos pretty much sums it up:
The Democratic president needs a new secretary of defense. The president picks a Republican for the spot. The president then faces a "national security uproar" because the Republican he picked for that spot is not seen as Republican enough, with Republicans demanding the president pick someone who is more Republican.
I love it that Obama nominated a Republican who was critical of BushCo's Iraq Debacle.

Oh, and by the way, this is fucking hilarious:
On Monday’s “Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” political satirist Bill Maher mocked Trump’s offer to President Barack Obama and offered to donate $5 million to the charity of Trump’s choice if he would release his own birth certificate to prove The Donald was not the “spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan.”

Trump’s lawyer accepted Maher’s offer and provided the proof. Now Trump is ready to collect. The real estate mogul told Calloway, “He made the offer… I accepted his offer and he owes me $ 5 million, which I am going to give to charity. If doesn’t pay the money we will probably sue him.”
OK, now repeat after me: Please God let this lawsuit happen -- Please God let this lawsuit happen -- Please God . . .


Stumptown Lawyer said...

So how exactly does the birth certificate prove his father is not an orangutan? I bet it doesn't even mention that the father is a human on that birth certificate. This lawsuit will be amazing.

Harold said...

The Court will probably find that there was no meeting of the minds.