Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Prediction For Foreign Policy Debate

I'm heading off to Vegas for a long weekend of craps shooting and poker playing, but before I go I want to make the following prediction about the upcoming foreign policy debate:

Unless another gaffe occurs comparable to Romney's colossal Libya fuck-up in the debate two days ago, I don't see the next debate as having much of an effect on anything. Foreign policy really isn't the focus of many voters this cycle. Frankly, I wouldn't mind if they changed the format and made the next debate solely about the economy, but that won't happen.

I don't think we'll see any gaffes in the next debate. Romney walked into a trap on Libya in the last one, but his handlers will have him much better prepared this time around.

By the way, the Libya question in the last debate should have been one of the high points for Romney because Libya has been a thorn in Obama's side for over a month and Romney was clearly chomping at the bit to nail the President on it. How Romney screwed it up so badly -- and let it become Obama's best moment -- is a bit mystifying to me.

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