Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Bonus Quote of the Week (With Update)

“The only thing in politics that is worse than voters deciding that they don’t like you is when voters decide you don’t like them.”
- Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, on Romney's "forty-seven percent" comment.

Plus, there must be nothing more satisfying for a politician than to use an opponent's own attack ad against him:

UPDATE: Here's an extra bonus quote of the week for you:
"[T]he guy with a tax account in the Cayman Islands is attacking other people for not wanting to pay income tax? I mean, you've got to give him credit."
- Bill Clinton, on Romney's "forty-seven percent" comment.


Angry Inch said...

Obama got his ass handed to him tonight!

Harold said...

I agree. Obama was off. No Bain Capital? No "47%"? No "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt"? -- those are no- brainer attack lines for Obama, and he refused to go there for some inexplicable reason (the Moderator didn't go there, but you can't rely on him bringing up these things).

And Romney actually looked pretty good tonight. The Radical Right may have a few gripes about Romney's sudden pivot to the middle, though, particularly his abandonment of the 20% tax cut idea. Or maybe they won't. We'll have to see.