Monday, September 17, 2012

The Al Gore Effect, Part II

Yesterday, I posted on the "Al Gore Effect," which I loosely defined as the newly-found willingness of the Corporate Media to finally call bullshit on the lies that the Romney Campaign are repeatedly spewing about Obama. The following video presents an excellent example of the Al Gore Effect once again giving some grief to yet another Romney surrogate (via Raw Story):

If you can't watch videos at your current location, basically what happened is that Rep. Peter King (R-NY), a Romney surrogate, once again repeated the GOP's "Obama Apology Tour" meme and CNN's Soledad O’Brien was having none of it. She asked Rep. King: “You called it an apology tour. You said, ‘the apologies.’ What apologies are you specifically talking about?” Rep. King, of course, could not come up with any examples of where Obama apologized for the United States (because Obama never did).

My favorite part of the interview was where Rep. King stated that Obama's Cairo Speech in 2009 was an example of Obama "basically apologizing for American policies," which was followed by O'Brien actually whipping out a copy of the Cairo Speech and then stating: “Never once in that speech, as you know, which I have the speech right here, he never once used the word apology -- he never once said, ‘I’m sorry.’”

In other words, O'Brien was ready -- with documents in hand -- to directly challenge the GOP bullshittery.  If the Corporate Media are actually now willing to aggressively challenge Romney and the Republican Party on the metric fuck-ton of lies they've been telling about Obama, then there might be some hope for this country after all.


Todd said...

He sounds like "Remo" from GoodFellas

Harold said...

Great scene.