Friday, September 07, 2012

Can You Imagine The Outrage . . .

. . . if a Democrat had said this?
"When you give a speech you don't go through a laundry list, you talk about the things you think are important."
- Mitt Romney, explaining why he did not mentioned our troops in Afghanistan during his Convention speech.

Let me give you a partial laundry list of the things that would have happened had Obama stated that he did not believe the service of our troops in Afghanistan was important:
  • Drug addict Rush Limbaugh would go on a two-hour rant about how much the Democrats hate the troops and how tired he is of Obama constantly apologizing for America, and then - God willing - his head would explode.

  • Donald Trump would do at least 40 interviews wherein he would claim that Obama's disdain for our fighting men and women only proves that our President was born in Kenya.

  • FoxNews would be reporting on the story around-the-clock for at least six weeks.  Brit Hume -- on the first day of this scandal -- would have a dozen Obama-hating veterans come on his show to yell about how much the President and the Democrats love the terrorizers and how Obama "doesn't understand" America.

  • Ann Coulter would proclaim that Obama should be hanged, drawn and quartered for treason and his body parts distributed to the four corners of the kingdom.
These are but a few examples of what would have happened had Obama made such a comment.  It was bad enough that Romney failed to mention the troops during his speech, but to follow that colossal fuck-up by openly stating that our troops are not "important" is astounding and only demonstrates that the omission from his convention speech was no mere oversight. 

Bottom line: Romney really does hate the troops -- or at the very least doesn't give two shits about them.

And while we're on the subject of the troops, I must say that I truly do not understand this:
A coalition of 15 military groups told a federal court on Friday that they plan to appeal a ruling that would stop the state of Ohio from cutting off early voting three days before the election. The suit, brought by the Obama campaign, sought to expand early voting hours to all Ohio voters during the three day period. A law passed by the state allows only active duty members of the military and Americans who live overseas to cast an absentee ballot in-person during that period.
OK, let me see if I've got this straight. Ohio Republicans -- in an attempt to suppress the vote -- passed a law which would cut off early voting for everyone but members of the military (who for the most part lean Republican) and folks living abroad. The Obama people sued to stop the law's implementation, win in court, and now military groups are complaining because . . . and that's where I get lost.

What are these military groups complaining about again? I readily admit that math is not my strong suit, but I fail to see how any of this actually affected the voting rights of anyone in uniform.  Don't military folks still have the same early voting rights in Ohio that they enjoyed prior to the GOP trying to suppress the voting rights of everyone else?

You right wingers out there -- chime in and tell me what I am missing here.

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