Saturday, August 18, 2012

Racist . . . Scumbag . . . Traitor

Former Navy SEAL Larry Bailey, who founded the anti-Obama group Special Operations Speaks, had this to say the other day about our Commander-in-Chief:
"I have to admit that I'm a Birther.  If there were a jury of 12 good men and women and the evidence were placed before them, there would be absolutely no question Barack Obama was not born where he said he was and is not who he says he is."
Bailey also added that the President is "a born red-diaper baby" and "a socialist" who "believes that America is responsible for most of the problems in the world and he wants to cut her down to size."

Well, while we're in the process of "admitting" stuff, I have some things I need to admit. I have to admit that this Bailey character is a racist piece of shit. I was thinking of prefacing such an admission by stating that "although I respect his service to our country . . ." (or some such thing), but the fact is that I don't respect his service to our country.

In fact, if there were a jury of 12 good men and women (unlike Bailey's Obama jury, this jury would have minorities on it) and the evidence was placed before them, there would be absolutely no question that Larry Bailey, during his military service, routinely displayed cowardice in the face of the enemy, no doubt soiled himself at the mere thought of combat, and any wound he received while in uniform was self-inflicted. And I'm sure this jury would also determine that Bailey urinates on the American flag at every opportunity and is a secret Al Qaeda sympathizer.

Where is my evidence, you ask?  I'll tell you this much:  My evidence that Bailey is a racist, anti-American, pro-Al Qaeda, pants-crapping, flag-urinating coward is at least as strong as his evidence against our President. 

I hope this Bailey asshole likes very warm places, because he has a special one waiting for him in the Infernal Regions.


Anonymous said...

Don't be such a drama queen.

Harold said...

Ever heard of satire? Apparently not.

And while you're looking up the word "satire," you might also want to google the phrase "Swift Boat Attacks."

I'm serious -- take some time today to educate yourself a little bit. You might actually like it.