Monday, August 06, 2012

Keep It Up, Harry -- Part II

Steve M. explains why it doesn't matter whether Harry Reid has a source who says that Romney paid no taxes for ten years:
[E]ven if it's a lie, Reid's put Romney on the spot, because what he's saying sounds plausible to a lot of people.

Y'know, it's a bit like saying that the current president is a secret Muslim socialist who lied about his U.S. birth and has a fake Social Security number and is secretly plotting to take away all privately owned guns if he's reelected, either before or after he finishes the job of deliberately destroying American capitalism. It's also a bit like saying that the previous Democratic president was a drug dealing serial murderer and rapist whose lesbian wife had her male lover killed when she wasn't hanging sex toys on the White House Christmas tree.

It's almost like that. * * *
Fucking-A.  As I said yesterday, Republicans pull this kind of shit day in and day out.  They just can't stand it when the Democrats do it to them.

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