Friday, August 24, 2012

Is Mitt Romney The Biggest Coward To Ever Run For President?

I couldn't believe this one:
In a wide-ranging interview with Time Magazine, Mitt Romney declined to say which deductions he would eliminate from the tax code in order to make his plan to cut tax rates across the board revenue-neutral.

"I know our Democrat friends would love to have me specify one or two so they could amass the special interest to fight that effort," Romney told managing editor Richard Stengel when asked to specify which deductions he would eliminate. He then launched into a general discussion about ways to limit deductions, saying the choice would be made "in consultation with Congress" -- in other words, after the election.
So Romney was too scared to run on his single legislative success as Massachusetts governor (namely RomneyCare), then he wouldn't release his tax returns -- even though his own father released twelve years of them when he ran for president -- and now he won't tell us what he'd do if elected because he's afraid the Democrats might use it against him. We've also learned that he recently granted an interview with a Denver reporter only on the condition she "not ask him about abortion or Todd Akin."

I openly question whether this guy has the guts to lead our country.  He obviously lacks the testicular fortitude to run for president.

We already know he wouldn't have crossed into Pakistan to kill bin Laden.  We know this because Romney admitted he wouldn't do it, and followed up this admission by attacking then-Senator Obama for saying that he (Obama) would. We all know who won that debate (hint: it wasn't Osama bin Laden).

God help us if Romney wins the election.  He's such a wimp that our country would be under Sharia Law in less than a year if that happened. 


Anonymous said...

"God help us if Romney wins the election..."

Should read, "God BLESS us WHEN Romney wins the election..."

Harold said...

So you're a supporter of Sharia Law. I probably should have figured that.

Anonymous said...

Wait, what god? The mormon one? The christian one? The muslim one? This commentor has to be a comedian. His ideas are just too spont on with right wing dogma to be real. If you read his comments knowing that they are supposed to be funny, they're hilarious.