Friday, July 13, 2012

Quote[s] of the Week

"[H]as any candidate for president ever had a resume that shrinks during the campaign instead of expanding? If so, I can’t much remember it."
- Ed Kilgore, noting that Romney can't campaign using his governorship of Massachusetts (because it he didn't do anything notable as governor except pass RomneyCare); and now, according to Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Virginia), Mitt can't use his Bain Capital experience either.

And here is a great quote from Former President George H. W. Bush:
"The rigidity of those [no new tax] pledges is something I don’t like. The circumstances change and you can’t be wedded to some formula by Grover Norquist. It’s—who the hell is Grover Norquist, anyway?"
And by the way: How do you know that the Romney Campaign thinks it's in trouble with regard to the Bain Capital Shit-Storm? This should be the first clue: "Mitt Romney will sit down for interviews with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and Fox News on Friday, according to multiple reports."

Romney rarely makes appearances on non-Fox news shows, and now he is making four of them in one day. Wow.

Is it too late to find another presumptive GOP nominee?

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