Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Favourite Tweets So Far Concerning Romney's Disastrous London Trip

Most of these are from #Romneyshambles:
Mitt Romney retroactively cancels visit to London.

Dear America: in the future if you want your candidates vetted, just send them to London.

Remember, Mitt Romney is in London with advisors & a full staff - he didn't build those gaffes on his own.

England! We're sending you Michele Bachmann next. We've got a million of them!

At this point, it would be an improvement for Mitt if he tested positive for steroids.

I don't always travel to England, but when I do, I remember to insult the populace. Stay Republican, my friend.

The trip was meant to make him look presidential... it made him look like Mr. Bean.

According to my friends in Gloucestershire, Brits are already beginning to call Mitt Romney "the American Borat."

Mitt Romney makes George Bush look like Aristotle.

Another verdict from one Romney meeting: 'Apparently devoid of charm, warmth, humour or sincerity'

Serious dismay in Whitehall at Romney debut. 'Worse than Sarah Palin.' 'Total car crash'. Two of the kinder verdicts

Romney achieves what no amount of BBC propaganda could - uniting the Brits behind London Olympics!

Mitt for President? Peter Sellers and Being There come to mind.

The 1% just can't catch a break
Did Romney just single-handedly make foreign policy into a 2012 campaign issue? Put another way -- do we really want this guy to represent America overseas? Or put yet another way:  Do we really want this guy to answer that Three AM Call?

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