Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This Is For Anyone Out There Who Still Thinks Pakistan Is our Ally

Fuck them:
The Pakistani medical official who ran a fake CIA vaccination programme to help find Osama bin Laden has been jailed for 33 years. A spokesman for Khyber Agency, an administrative unit in Pakistan's restless frontier, said Dr Shakil Afridi would face decades in jail – despite calls from senior US officials to release the man who helped with efforts to track down the al-Qaida chief. 

The tough sentence for the former surgeon general of Khyber will be taken as another sign of the terrible state of US-Pakistan relations. And it will further alarm western critics of Pakistan who say the country has put far more effort into trying to understand how US spies and special forces were able to plan and launch the Bin Laden raid than into how the al-Qaida leader was able to remain for so long in the Pakistani army garrison town of Abbottabad. The sentence was announced just days after Barack Obama snubbed the Pakistani president, Asif Ali Zardari, by refusing to hold a formal meeting with him at the Nato conference in Chicago. 

In January Leon Panetta, the US defence secretary, said he was "very concerned" about the arrest of Afridi after Pakistan's intelligence service discovered he had set up a fake hepatitis B vaccination scheme with his nurses going from house to house in Abbottabad in the weeks before the raid on Bin Laden's hideout in May last year. "For them to take this kind of action against somebody who was helping to go after terrorism, I just think it is a real mistake on their part," Panetta said in January. ***
I am so very tired of these people. Given that bin Laden was holed up in a compound located in a military town, there is no doubt in my mind that some pretty high up people in the ISI -- Pakistan's premiere intelligence agency -- and in the Pakistani military knew that Osama was living in Abbottabad.

We should find out who those people are, then do the same goddam thing to them that we did to bin Laden. What was it that George W. Bush said again?

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